First Official Listing comes in PANCAKESWAP!

Melvin Musson


CryptoTanks is thrilled to announce that the first listing of the $TANK token is, in fact, materialising! $TANK is going live on Pancakeswap, and we look forward to welcoming all those that didn’t have the chance or weren’t lucky enough to secure $TANK in our Public sale.

Date of listing: 21st of December, 17:00 UTC

$TANK trading pair: BUSD/ TANK

Smart Contrat address: The one and only official address‼️ Launch on 17:00 UTC 🚀🚀

Smart Contract Adress: 0x4444a19c8bb86e9bdbc023709a363bbce91af33e

The trading pair you are looking for is BUSD/TANK.

Go here, connect your wallet, paste the address and you are set!Pancakeswap is a Decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain, which belongs to the Binance family, the largest crypto exchange in the world!

A small guide on how to get $TANK on Pancakeswap:

  • Create a Cryptocurrency wallet (Caution: If you are a MetaMask user, you have to configure the wallet to be compatible with BSC).
  • Add funds, you will also need a small amount of BNB for gas fees to transact.
  • Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap, visit the site here: pancakeswap
  • Select a token. Here you need to paste the $TANK token address
  • Hit SWAP!
  • Add $TANK with its address to your wallet so you can see it.

